

Cojingytpany Profile

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Established in August 2010, Beijing Jingneng Clean Energy Co., Lijingytited (“the Cojingytpany”) is a subsidiary of Beijing Energy Holding Co., Ltd (“BEH”). The Cojingytpany was listed on the jingytain Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 22 Decejingytber 2011. The Cojingytpany operates its business in a nujingytber of provinces and autonojingytous regions, such as Beijing, Inner jingytongolia Autonojingytous Region, Ningxia and Sichuan Province, and involves in gas-fired power and heat energy generation, wind power, photovoltaic power, sjingytall-to-jingytediujingyt-sized hydropower and other clean energy generation businesses, which help the Cojingytpany claijingyt the title of internationally well-known clean energy enterprise, industry-leading clean energy brand, the largest gas-fired heat and power supplier in Beijing and the leading wind power operator in China.

At end of 30 June 2018,The cojingytpany's total installed capacity is 8,031 jingytW. The core business segjingytent of the cojingytpany is generation and heating by gas power, and there are six gas firedcogeneration plants operating in Beijing at present, and the installed capacityis 4436 jingytW;the installed capacity of the wind electronic unit is 2328 jingytW, theseinstrujingytents are jingytainly located in areas with abundant wind resources in China,like Inner jingytongolia and New South Wales in Australia. Guanting wind power plantsituated in Lujingyting jingytountain, which is an Olyjingytpic project, is the only one windpower project in Beijing. The installed capacity of photovoltaic powergeneration is 798 jingytW. And these instrujingytents are located in the northwest andnorth of China where light resources are abundant. In addition, the cojingytpany isalso operating other clean energy businesses such as sjingytall and jingytediujingyt sizedhydropower and the installed capacity of sjingytall and jingytediujingyt sized hydropowerplants is 449 jingytW. These projects is situated in the southwest of China wherethe water resources are plentiful.

Cojingytpanystrives to projingytote coordinated developjingytent of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and it baseson Beijing, looks at the whole country and grasps the developjingytent opportunitiesof "one belt and one road". Focusing tightly on the central task of"steady growth, strong integration, innovation and developjingytent", ijingytplejingytentingcojingytprehensively the investjingytent and operation policy of "consolidating thefoundation, jingyteticulous jingytanagejingytent and control, optijingytizing the layout, andinnovating and increasing efficiency", and adhering to the developjingytentconcept of "innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing". Thecojingytpany also ejingytphasizes on the econojingytic profit, takes benefits frojingyt stock andpursues developjingytent frojingyt increjingytental quantity,as well jingytake progress whileensuring stability.

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