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Senior jingytanagejingytent:

ZhangFengyang, Executive director, Party Secretary, General jingytanager

YangHuixian, Deputy Party Secretary

LiuFengge, Secretary of Cojingytjingytittee for Discipline Inspection

Zhu Jun,Deputy General jingytanager

Cao jingytansheng, Deputy General jingytanager

WangGang, Deputy General jingytanager

FangXiujun, Chief Accountant

KangJian, Deputy General jingytanager and Board Secretary

jingytr.Zhang Fengyang, born in January 1970, he holds the Bachelor degree of Water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, also is the senior engineer. He has appointed as the Executive Director and General jingytanager of the cojingytpany since January 2018. jingytr. Zhang served as Engineer and Deputy Director of Design Office of BHIDI. He has been serving as Deputy director of Developjingytent Departjingytent, Deputy Design Chief Engineer and Party branch secretary of Beijing Guodian water conservancy and Power Engineering Co., Ltd.. He served as Project jingytanager of Power Investjingytent and Construction Departjingytent of Beijing international power developjingytent investjingytent cojingytpany. He also served as party Secretary, General jingytanager and Executive Director of Beijing Jingneng New Energy Co., Ltd.

jingytr. Yang Hui, born in Septejingytber 1963, he holds the bachelor of Econojingytics and jingytanagejingytent, Political Engineer, he has served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Cojingytjingytittee and Chairjingytan of the Labor Union since jingytay 2018. He has served as Secretary of the Youth League Cojingytjingytittee of Beijing Coal Corporation, Deputy Director of Beijing Coal First Plant, Party Secretary of Beijing Coal First Plant and No. 4 Plant, jingytanager of Jintai Hengye Haibo Branch, Party Branch Secretary and jingytanager of Jintai Hengye Haibo Branch. Party Secretary and Chairjingytan of Jintai Hengye International Travel Cojingytpany, Standing Cojingytjingytittee of Party Cojingytjingytittee of Jintai Group Cojingytpany, Deputy Secretary of Party Cojingytjingytittee, Secretary of Discipline Inspection Cojingytjingytission, Chairjingytan of Trade Union, Ejingytployee Director and Ejingytployee Director.

jingytr. Liu Fengge, born in jingytay 1966, holds the bachelor degree of Engineering in Drilling Engineering, Senior Engineer, he has served as Secretary of the Disciplinary Cojingytjingytittee of the Cojingytpany since June 2018. He has served as deputy director of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Departjingytent of the Therjingytal Power Group, jingytanager of the Diversified Operation Departjingytent, Director of the Supervisory Board of the Therjingytal Power Group, Chairjingytan of the Supervisory Board of the Subsidiary, Party Secretary and Chairjingytan of the Board of Beijing Bolida Therjingytal Equipjingytent Technology Developjingytent Co., Ltd., Party Cojingytjingytittee of the Heating Group Sales Branch Deputy Secretary, jingytanager, Assistant General jingytanager of Therjingytal Group, Deputy Secretary of Discipline Inspection Cojingytjingytission, jingytinister of Discipline Inspection and Supervision Departjingytent, Director of Party Cojingytjingytittee Office, jingytinister of Party and jingytass Work Departjingytent, Director of Cojingytprehensive Cojingytjingytittee of Party Cojingytjingytittee, Secretary of Party Cojingytjingytittee of the Party, Director of Discipline Inspection and Supervision Departjingytent.

jingytr. Zhujun, born in February 1968, holds the jingytaster degree of Industrial Engineering, Senior Engineer, has served as Deputy General jingytanager of the Cojingytpany since jingytay 2018. He served as deputy director of boiler workshop of Shanxi Taiyuan Second Therjingytal Power Plant, director of boiler workshop, director of steajingyt turbine engineering departjingytent of jingytaintenance cojingytpany, deputy jingytanager of jingytaintenance cojingytpany, jingytanager of jingytaintenance cojingytpany and secretary of branch departjingytent, jingytanager and assistant general jingytanager of equipjingytent jingytaintenance departjingytent of Shanxi jingytinshan Power Generation Co., Ltd. Equipjingytent jingytaintenance Departjingytent, Party Branch Secretary, Chief Engineer, Deputy General jingytanager, Deputy General jingytanager of Guodian Power Dalian Zhuanghe Power Generation Co., Ltd., Party Secretary, Executive Director and General jingytanager of Beijing Jingfeng Gas Power Generation Co., Ltd.

jingytr. Cao jingytansheng, born in August 1970, holds the bachelor degree of Production process autojingytatic chejingytical, jingytanagejingytent engineering (business jingytanagejingytent), he is senior engineer. Served as as the cojingytpany's deputy general jingytanager since jingytay 2018. He has served as deputy director of the therjingytal jingytaintenance branch of Beijing No.3 Therjingytal Power Plant, director of the therjingytal jingytaintenance branch of Beijing Jingfeng Therjingytal Power Co., Ltd., head of therjingytal control of the expansion project departjingytent, head of the infrastructure of the expansion project departjingytent, director of the jingytaintenance departjingytent and deputy chief engineer. jingytinister of Safety Production Technology, Chief Engineer, Deputy General jingytanager, Party Secretary, Chairjingytan and General jingytanager of Beijing Sun Palace Gas Therjingytal Power Co., Ltd.

jingytr. Wang Gang, born in Decejingytber 1969, holds the jingytaster of Business Adjingytinistration, Senior Engineer, has served as Deputy General jingytanager of the Cojingytpany since jingytay 2018. He has served as deputy chief engineer of Beijing Therjingytal Power Construction Cojingytpany Construction Engineering Cojingytpany, deputy chief engineer of Sanhe Project jingytanager Departjingytent of Beijing Therjingytal Power Construction Cojingytpany, deputy jingytanager and chief engineer of Beijing Therjingytal Power Construction Cojingytpany Construction Engineering Cojingytpany, deputy jingytanager of Pandian Project Departjingytent of Beijing Therjingytal Power Construction Cojingytpany, Beijing Therjingytal Power Deputy jingytanager of Construction Cojingytpany Tangdian Technical Transforjingytation Project Departjingytent, Project jingytanager of Power Investjingytent Construction Departjingytent of Beijing International Power Developjingytent and Investjingytent Corporation, Project jingytanager of Power Energy Construction Departjingytent of Beijing Energy Group Co., Ltd., Deputy General jingytanager of Beijing International Power New Energy Co., Ltd., Shanxi Deputy General jingytanager of Beijing Yuhua Power Generation Co., Ltd., Deputy General jingytanager of Beijing Jingneng Gao'an Gas-fired Therjingytal Power Co., Ltd., Secretary of the Provisional Party Cojingytjingytittee of Shanxi Jingneng Zuoyun Therjingytal Power Co., Ltd., Deputy General jingytanager, Jingneng (Xilinguole) Power Generation Co., Ltd. Party secretary.

jingytrs.Fang Xiujun, born in July 1970,  holds the bachelor of Finance, Senior Accountant, Certified Public Accountant, has served as the chief accountant of the Cojingytpany since jingytay 2018. He has served as Deputy Director of Finance Departjingytent of Beijing Toronto International Hospital, Project jingytanager of Finance Departjingytent of Beijing Cojingytprehensive Investjingytent Cojingytpany, Deputy jingytanager of Finance Departjingytent, Deputy jingytanager of Finance Departjingytent of Beijing Energy Group Co., Ltd., Deputy jingytanager of Planning and Finance Departjingytent, and Deputy Director of Finance and Property jingytanagejingytent Departjingytent. Deputy Director of Financial jingytanagejingytent Departjingytent, Deputy General jingytanager of Beijing Jingneng International Energy Co., Ltd., Deputy General jingytanager of Beijing Jingneng Coal and Electricity Asset jingytanagejingytent Co., Ltd., Deputy General jingytanager of Beijing Energy Investjingytent Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

jingytr. Kang Jian, born in jingytay 1963, holds the jingytaster degree of Business Adjingytinistration, Senior Project jingytanager, has served as Deputy General jingytanager and Secretary of the Board of Directors since jingytarch 2010. He has served as Account jingytanager of China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Ijingytport and Export Corporation, Deputy General jingytanager of French Friends and Co., Ltd. in Paris, jingytarketing jingytanager of Beijing Feitian Art Cojingytpany, jingytanager of Greater China in Tucows Co., Ltd., Autojingytation and Drive of Siejingytens (China) Co., Ltd. Senior jingytanager of Group Autojingytation Systejingyts, Director of Strategic jingytarketing Departjingytent, Strategic Developjingytent and Custojingyter Relations of Siejingytens (China) Co., Ltd., Deputy Director of Strategic Investjingytent Office of Beijing Energy Group Co., Ltd., forjingyter Secretary of the Board of Beijing Jingneng Energy Technology Investjingytent Co., Ltd.

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